AutoCAD 2024: Discover insights and automations designed to accelerate your teams.

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What’s new in AutoCAD 2024

Activity Insights

Stay connected to data throughout your project lifecycle with details of multi-user activities in a DWG file. Be informed of relevant file changes and access with an activity log. Activity Insights helps bridge information gaps in your collaborative AutoCAD workflows

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Smart Blocks: Replacement

Quickly find the blocks you need and replace one or more blocks via machine learning-based suggestions, recently used blocks, and manual substitute block selection. 

Smart Blocks: Placement

Automatically place blocks in your drawing in the right position and scale based on where you’ve inserted the same ones thus far in your DWG file, reducing the number of clicks required and saving you time in the process

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Markup Import and Markup Assist

Rapidly send and incorporate design feedback. Import feedback from printed paper via mobile or PDFs and add changes to your drawings automatically. AutoCAD uses machine learning to detect and execute certain instructions in markup text including “MOVE,” “COPY,” or “DELETE” commands.

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AutoCAD 2022

Welcome to our “What’s New in AutoCAD 2022” series where we’ll explore the great new features and improvements in the latest release. First up? Specialized toolsets!

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