Fabrication: Estimate, detail, drive MEP fabrication

Autodesk Fabrication

What is Autodesk Fabrication?

Fabrication ESTmep™, CADmep™, and CAMduct™ software provide an integrated set of tools for MEP specialty contractors. Estimate, detail, and drive fabrication at LOD 400 for mechanical building systems with tight integration to BIM and CAD design workflows and deliverables.

  • Use manufacturer-specific content to generate better estimates

  • Create more accurate detailed models for installation

  • Produce sheet metal for fabrication

What is Autodesk InfraWorks?<br />

A suite of tools that work together

Estimating in ESTmep

Gain insight into project costs with cost analysis and reporting and generate competitive bids.

revit autodesk original
revit autodesk original

Detailing in CADmep

Create fabrication-intent models of piping, plumbing, and ductwork systems

Which product is right for you?

Autodesk Vehicle Tracking

“Temukan solusi Autodesk Fabrication terbaik untuk proyek Anda. Percepat konstruksi dengan teknologi terdepan. Dapatkan sekarang!”


Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis Pro

“Beli Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis Pro – Software canggih analisis struktur. Maksimalkan desain bangunan Anda. Dapatkan sekarang!”

Distributor Autocad

Kami adalah perusahaan yang bergerak dalam bidang penjualan software, salah satunya AutoCAD. Sebagai partner resmi AutoCAD, kami menyediakan software yang asli dan terpercaya dengan harga yang terjangkau.

Jam Kerja

8.30 – 17.30 (Senin-Jumat)

Sabtu & Minggu Libur




0898 1803 131