HSMWorks: Embedded CAM software for SOLIDWORKS

Autodesk HSMWorks

What is HSMWorks?

Design and generate CAM toolpaths without the hassle of changing software. Reduce cycle time and rework with CAD-embedded 2.5- to 5-axis milling, turning, and mill-turn capabilities. HSMWorks is included with your Fusion 360 subscription.

What is Navisworks?

What you can do with HSMWorks

Integrate CAD and CAM

Work in a familiar interface connected to powerful design tools, thanks to full integration with SOLIDWORKS.

jual navisworks resmi
Navisworks Original

2.5- and 3-axis milling

Maximize productivity with a full suite of 2.5- and 3-axis milling strategies.

3+2 and simultaneous 5-axis

Shorten the time it takes to set up machines and tighten feature tolerances with simple-to-use multi-axis programming. 

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“Dapatkan Autodesk ReCap Pro untuk solusi pemindaian 3D terbaik. Optimalkan proyek Anda dengan akurasi tinggi. Dapatkan sekarang!”

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