Autodesk Maya: Create expansive worlds, complex characters, and dazzling effects

Autodesk Maya

What is Maya?

Maya is professional 3D software for creating realistic characters and blockbuster-worthy effects.

  • Bring believable characters to life with engaging animation tools.

  • Shape 3D objects and scenes with intuitive modeling tools.

  • Create realistic effects—from explosions to cloth simulation.

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What you can do with Maya

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Breathe life into 3D models with powerful animation tools

Whether you’re animating lifelike digi doubles or lovable cartoon characters, Maya has the animation toolset to bring your 3D assets to life.

Create detailed simulations with Bifrost for Maya

From blazing explosions to complex snowstorms, Bifrost makes it possible to create physically accurate simulations in a single visual programming environment.

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Which product is right for you?

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Design buildings and infrastructure in 3D. Build greener projects. Transform the world

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